Julie Jones of Julie Jones Marketing helps local businesses with their online marketing via Teignbridge Local Business Directory covering Newton Abbot and surrounding areas. Julie uses different marketing techniques for businesses including share software (SaaS) to help businesses gain more leads and exposure.
You can list your business for FREE on the Teinbridge Local Business Directory, along with your contact information, description, website and phone number.
“Our website directory is built manually, in such a way that it makes it easy for search engines to find and categorise the business entries,” says Julie. “This means that your website will get a reputable back-link, giving your business authority and relevance, just by being listed on Teignbridge Local Business Directory and will allow more potential customers to see your business.
“Just enter your details and register in the top menu bar. Oh and if you know any other businesses please let them know about us! Looking forward to helping your business be more successful online and offline too, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or need help!”
Special Offer
Get a free marketing video for your local business with every PREMIUM LISTING just £99 for the whole year and I will do all the fulfilment.
Call Julie James 07969 126 404 or email juliejames@teignbridgelocal.com
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